The Hardwarie Library
Hardware Graphics Acceleration for Classic and Carbon Macintosh.
Written by Anders F Björklund.
Copyright ©2000-2002 afb. All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents:
Frequently Asked Questions
There is one single include file, for both the C API as well as the C++ wrappers.
All other files are private to the library implementation.
#include <Hardwarie.h>
- HardwarieLibClassic
- Quickdraw3DRAVELib
- HardwarieLibCarbon
- OpenGLLibraryStub
- kHardwarieInvisibleAlpha
- an alpha value that means totally invisible
- kHardwarieOpaqueAlpha
- an alpha value that means fully visible
- kHardwarieOriginalScale
- means original scale of source (no scaling)
- kHardwarieCalculateScale
- means calculate scale from destination rect
- kHardwarieNoRotation
- means original rotation of source (no rotation)
- kHardwarieRightRotation
- shows that positive rotation angles are clockwise
- HardwarieContextPtr
- a private structure that represents a drawing context
- HardwarieFramePtr
- a private structure that represents an image frame (within a context)
- HardwariePointPtr
- a single 2D point (horizontal/vertical)
struct HardwariePoint
float h;
float v;
- HardwarieRectPtr
- a rectangle
struct HardwarieRect
float left;
float top;
float right;
float bottom;
- HardwarieColorPtr
- a color, including alpha value
struct HardwarieColor
float red;
float green;
float blue;
float alpha;
- HardwarieSetPoint
- Converts a integer point (Point) to a float point
void HardwarieSetPoint(HardwariePoint *point, PointPtr p);
- HardwarieSetRect
- Converts a integer rect (Rect) to a float rect
void HardwarieSetRect(HardwarieRect *rect, RectPtr r);
- HardwarieSetRect
- Converts a integer color (RGBColor) to a float color
void HardwarieSetColor(HardwarieColor *color, RGBColorPtr c);
- HardwarieCreateGWorldFromPict
- Creates a offscreen gworld, and optionally loads and draws a PICT resource
OSErr HardwarieCreateGWorldFromPict( GWorldPtr *newGWorld, Rect *newBounds,
short pictID, Boolean grayscale );
- HardwarieRoundUp
- Rounds a integer up to the nearest power of two (1,2,4,8,16,...)
int HardwarieRoundUp(int x);
- HardwarieSetMaxTextureSize
- Sets the maximum size to use for a texture width/height
void HardwarieSetMaxTextureSize(int size);
- HardwarieGetMaxTextureSize
int HardwarieGetMaxTextureSize(void);
- HardwarieSetDrawOutlines
- Whether to draw an outline rect around each frame (default: false)
void HardwarieSetDrawOutlines(Boolean draw);
- HardwarieGetDrawOutlines
Boolean HardwarieGetDrawOutlines(void);
- HardwarieGetRenderName
- Returns the name of the currently used render routine
StringPtr HardwarieGetRenderName(void);
- HardwarieGetEngineName
- Returns the name of the currently used render engine
StringPtr HardwarieGetEngineName(void);
- HardwarieGetTextureMemoryAvailable
- Returns the number of bytes of texture memory (VRAM) available
Size HardwarieGetTextureMemoryAvailable(void);
- HardwarieGetTotalTextureMemory
- Returns the total amount of texture memory (VRAM) in bytes
Size HardwarieGetTotalTextureMemory(void);
- HardwarieInit
- Creates a context, given a device and window
OSErr HardwarieInit(
HardwarieContextPtr *newContext,
GDHandle device,
CWindowPtr window,
RectPtr bounds,
Boolean fullScreen);
- HardwarieExit
- Disposes of an old context
void HardwarieExit(
HardwarieContextPtr *oldContext);
- HardwarieLoadFrame
- Creates a frame, and loads picture to VRAM
OSErr HardwarieLoadFrame(
HardwarieFramePtr *newFrameP,
HardwarieContextPtr context,
GWorldPtr pictureGWorld,
RectPtr pictureRect,
GWorldPtr maskGWorld,
RectPtr maskRect,
GWorldPtr alphaGWorld,
RectPtr alphaRect);
- HardwarieReloadFrame
- Updates the frame's contents in VRAM
OSErr HardwarieReloadFrame(
HardwarieFramePtr oldFrameP,
HardwarieContextPtr context,
GWorldPtr pictureGWorld,
RectPtr pictureRect,
GWorldPtr maskGWorld,
RectPtr maskRect,
GWorldPtr alphaGWorld,
RectPtr alphaRect);
- HardwarieUnloadFrame
- Disposes of an old frame, return VRAM used
void HardwarieUnloadFrame(
HardwarieFramePtr *oldFrameP);
- HardwariePause
- Call when put in the background, or accessing menu/dialogs/etc.
void HardwariePause(
HardwarieContextPtr context );
- HardwarieResume
- Resumes the rendering after a previous pause call
void HardwarieResume(
HardwarieContextPtr context );
- HardwarieBegin
- Begin rendering a new frame of animation
void HardwarieBegin(
HardwarieContextPtr context );
- HardwarieEnd
- Stop rendering, and swap buffers to show frame
void HardwarieEnd(
HardwarieContextPtr context );
- HardwarieClearBackground
- Fill the background with a color
void HardwarieClearBackground(
HardwarieContextPtr context,
HardwarieColorPtr color);
- HardwariePutPixel
- Draws a single pixel
void HardwariePutPixel(
HardwarieContextPtr context,
HardwariePointPtr loc,
HardwarieColorPtr color);
- HardwarieDrawLine
- Draws a line
void HardwarieDrawLine(
HardwarieContextPtr context,
HardwariePointPtr from,
HardwariePointPtr to,
HardwarieColorPtr color);
- HardwariePaintRect
- Draws a solid rect filled with a color
void HardwariePaintRect(
HardwarieContextPtr context,
HardwarieRectPtr rect,
HardwarieColorPtr color);
- HardwarieDrawFrame
- Draws a previously loaded frame
void HardwarieDrawFrame(
HardwarieFramePtr srcFrameP,
HardwarieRectPtr dstRect,
float alpha);
- HardwarieScaledDrawFrame
- Draws a frame with a specified scale factor
void HardwarieScaledDrawFrame(
HardwarieFramePtr srcFrameP,
HardwarieRectPtr dstRect,
float alpha,
float horizScale,
float vertScale);
- HardwarieRotatedDrawFrame
- Draws a frame at a specified rotation level
void HardwarieRotatedDrawFrame(
HardwarieFramePtr srcFrameP,
HardwarieRectPtr dstRect,
float alpha,
float degreesRotation);
class THardwarieContext
- THardwarieContext(GDHandle device, CWindowPtr window,
RectPtr bounds = NULL, bool fullscreen = false) throw (std::runtime_error);
- ~THardwarieContext()
- void pause();
- void resume();
- void begin();
- void end();
- void clearBackground(HardwarieColorPtr color);
- void putPixel(HardwariePointPtr loc, HardwarieColorPtr color);
- void drawLine(HardwariePointPtr from, HardwariePointPtr to, HardwarieColorPtr color);
class THardwarieFrame
- THardwarieFrame(THardwarieContext &context,
GWorldPtr imageGWorld, RectPtr imageRect,
GWorldPtr maskGWorld = NULL, RectPtr maskRect = NULL,
GWorldPtr alphaGWorld = NULL, RectPtr alphaRect = NULL) throw (std::runtime_error);
- ~THardwarieFrame() throw();
- void reload(THardwarieContext &context,
GWorldPtr imageGWorld, RectPtr imageRect,
GWorldPtr maskGWorld = NULL, RectPtr maskRect = NULL,
GWorldPtr alphaGWorld = NULL, RectPtr alphaRect = NULL) throw (std::runtime_error);
- void draw(HardwarieRectPtr rect, float alpha = kHardwarieOpaqueAlpha);
- void drawScaled(HardwarieRectPtr rect, float alpha = kHardwarieOpaqueAlpha,
float horizScale = kHardwarieCalculateScale, float vertScale = kHardwarieCalculateScale);
- void drawRotated(HardwarieRectPtr rect, float alpha = kHardwarieOpaqueAlpha,
float degreesRotation = kHardwarieNoRotation);
class THardwariePoint
- THardwariePoint(float h = 0.0f, float v = 0.0f) throw()
- THardwariePoint(Point &p) throw()
class THardwarieRect
- THardwarieRect(float left = 0.0f, float top = 0.0f, float right = 0.0f, float bottom = 0.0f) throw();
- THardwarieRect(Rect &r) throw();
class THardwarieColor
- THardwarieColor(float red = 0.0f, float green = 0.0f, float blue = 0.0f, float alpha = kHardwarieOpaqueAlpha) throw ();
- THardwarieColor(RGBColor &c) throw();
HardwarieContextPtr gContext = NULL;
HardwarieFramePtr gFrame = NULL;
extern WindowPtr window;
extern GWorldPtr pictureGWorld;
extern GWorldPtr maskGWorld;
extern GWorldPtr alphaGWorld;
extern Rect windowRect;
extern Rect pictureRect;
extern Rect maskRect;
extern Rect alphaRect;
OSErr err;
HardwarieRect r;
HardwarieColor c;
err = HardwarieInit(&gContext, GetMainDevice(), (CWindowPtr) window, &windowRect, false );
if (err == noErr)
err = HardwarieLoadFrame( &gFrame, gContext,
pictureGWorld, &pictureRect, maskGWorld, &maskRect, alphaGWorld, &alphaRect);
if (err == noErr)
HardwarieBegin(gContext); = 0.0; = 0.0; = 0.0;
c.alpha = 0.0;
r.left = (float) (((unsigned) Random()) % (windowRect.right - windowRect.left))
- (pictureRect.right - pictureRect.left); = (float) (((unsigned) Random()) % (windowRect.right - windowRect.left))
- (pictureRect.bottom -;
r.right = r.left + (pictureRect.right - pictureRect.left);
r.bottom = + (pictureRect.bottom -;
HardwarieDrawFrame(gFrame, &r, kHardwarieOpaqueAlpha );